Monday, March 13, 2017

The Struggle is real...................

Yes, I've returned with more ramblings for everyone or anyone that listens. Lol. Matter of fact, as of this very second I am still unsure of what my intentions are for this blog. Not only in long term, but even today's post, guys!!! I am hopeless, don't get too attached, lol. As if!
So anyhow, I am really getting into the art of reviewing products and/or brand ambassadors, stuff along those lines. So, I'm going about my business, posting on my social media accounts, in a most futile attempt to increase my followings. At the same time I'm doing this, I am seeking out additional sites that offer to send you products in exchange for "honest" reviews and registering at the ones with good reviews. While doing this brilliant multi-tasking, lol, I am informed at some point that in order to be a sought after reviewer or ambassador of a brand, most company's prefer or even require that you have a following on each account of 5000. Huh? Did I just read 5000? A five and THREE zeros? Wtf? Looks like the only brand I'll be able to represent is Geritol cause I will definitely be a senior citizen by the time I obtain those kind of numbers. I only just started actually working at this and my numbers are not anywhere near that! Now I am sure those of you whom are tech savvy are saying out loud or to yourself, "there are ways you can achieve that goal in no time at all." Yes, I am all too aware of this. Now, I definitely have never been one to object to "short cuts" or breaking the rules, but I weighed my options and basically this time, for this issue, unfortunately I feel that having real, interested, and willing followers is the way I must go. Don't get me wrong, paying $5.00 for 1,000 followers is way tempting, but, no thank you.
Anyway, back to my new interest, product reviewing and brand ambassadors. So, I figured I'd end this with a list of review relevant sites for ya. Here goes:

  • Buview - - this site is great, you apply to test products from their list and are compensated if chosen to test and review.
  • Trybe - - this site is o.k. I haven't been w them long so.....but same thing as site above for most part. 
  • Toluna- - This one is a mixture of a bit of everything really. Great site! You have potential to be compensated for surveys, polls, product testing, and more!

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