Monday, January 30, 2017

Well hello my homies! So very sorry it's been a minute. Life is crazy! So crazy!
So, before I go and get sidetracked, I need to give you these sites that I have found and are so simple to earn money with. I have SOOO many for you, I don't know where to begin, but I need to start somewhere, so here goes:

This is the first one, Surveys On the Go. This is an app for Android. And I love it! You are not gonna get rich by any means, but all you need to do is upload it to your phone or tablet. It sends you surveys based on where you go. They also give you points for television you watch. As long as phone or tablet is nearby the t.v. it will hear it and send you questions about what you watched and you get credit just for watching t.v.

O.k., this is Panel App. This one is awesome also. If you copy and paste the above link, I will get credit for referring you too. This one is for Android also. It also keeps track of places you go and like the other one, most of the questions it asks are all based on where you have been lately. You just upload it to phone or tablet and go about your business. 

This one is great too. There is a website and an App to upload, if desired. Upon logging into the site and/or app, a large percentage of the time you click on this box and it will search for surveys to which you are qualified for. Sometimes, there may be a survey waiting for you or they will notify you of one. 

This is also a site and an app. Once you upload the app, you fill out your registration and must upload the app to three different types of technology, for instance: an Android phone, an Apple laptop, an Windows desktop. Just an example! You get $5 as soon as you install the app. Then $5 every month after that as long as the app remains installed on all three. You may redemm your rewards when you've had app installed on all three devices for a minimum of 30 days. You can earn $110 in 12 months, $170 in 18 months, and $230 in 24 months. For doing NOTHING but installing the app on three devices. Awesome program! 

5. = (Voxpopme)
This site and app is Voxpopme.The address above is the address to copy and paste and it gives me $1 credit for referrals. This one is simple to earn money too. The difference is you give your answers by video. You definitely wanna check this out. 

So, there's five apps/sites for you to check out, if you haven't already. Just so you know, any info on survey sites, apps, mystery shopping, class action sites, review sites, etc. I have personally tried them and/or I am currently using them. So no bullshit information from this blog. I can promise they aren't scams. Again, they aren't going to make you rich either. 

Also, please feel free to request info, if their is anything, whatsoever, that you would like to get info on...........I'm your homegirl. So, until next time, Do it movin.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Hello everyone, Happy, Happy Sunday, to all of you. Hope you've had a fantastic weekend thus far.
Although, I truly do not like politics, I feel the need to make mention of, one of the biggest historic movements this country has seen in a very long time. That is correct, ladies and gentlemen, I am speaking of the Inauguration of our new President of The United States, Mr. Donald Trump ( crickets chirping). Before I get to the protesters and women's rights marches (Go Ladies!!), let me speak for a second on Mr. Trump himself.
So, the president was sworn in, as you all know, on Friday, January 20, 2017 at approximately noon. Following being sworn in, he gave his inaugural address, lasting approximately 20 minutes. Yes, that is on the short side, but according to Reuters.Com George Washington holds that record, his speech consisting of a mere 130 words. At the opposite end of the spectrum, President William Harrisons speech in 1841, lasted for an hour and 45 minutes and it was given in a terrible snowstorm. The president wore no coat or hat and tragically passed 1 month later. We can dream can't we? Lol, only kidding. But I do feel Mr Trump needs to accept responsibility for his actions. For instance, I learned, ( that the site, discovered in September of last year, that our new President appeared in an explicit "softporn" film put out by Playboy in 2000, titled 'Centerfold"...............WTF??!! I mean, correct me if im wrong, but didn't he vow to crack down on pornography if elected?
Anyway, onto better things, how about all our ladies out there who marched this weekend? What an extraordinary display of unitedness and strength. I mean we're talking more than just the gigantic March in Washington DC, women were marching in protest all over. I must admit, I felt very proud to be a woman. I also laughed a lot, at all of the stuff on social media. The following, are only a couple, of the signs, from the march, that had me weak:

1. I loved this one!! In case you are unable to read all of it, it reads: "My Vagina Has Had Better Lineups Than Trumps Inauguration  (SAD!)

Lori McCue on Twitter
2. Also very clever, this one says: "There Will Be Hell Toupee" and includes a picture of Trump with his really bad hair.

Marc on Twitter (@MarcMonster)

And on that note, I am going to close for now. I apologize that I was unable to include any money earning info in today's ramblings, but I am closing this out early, so that I can hopefully whip up another one real quick, before the days end. It will include some very useful sites, apps, etc.
So, thank you homeboy and homegirls for hanging with me and until next issue.........Do it movin.

Friday, January 20, 2017

A Revised Intro - 2017

Well, here it is 2017 and I am finally making an honest effort at creating a blog. It truly has taken me so very long to begin this project. I had major issues tryit ng to decide on a subject people would wanna read. No lie,  I have researched over and over, again and again. I mean I have filled at least 10 or more notebooks full of notes!! And out of all the many cool things I've considered, the one thing I keep coming back to is the "Online Hussle". You know what I'm talking about........the same thing everyone else is talking about, the million different ways to make money, mostly online, but occasionally not. So for now, that's where I'm going to begin, at least until I get my blog epiphany. Yup, gonna see where this takes us. One thing for sure, there is no shortage of information on the subject. I have enough content for awhile.
So one more thing, before I begin providing you with my versions, of other peoples information, I'd like to tell you just a little bit about myself. (Try not to nod off)
My name is Candy Henderson. I am 42. I originally grew up on a 500 acre Dairy farm, in Maquoketa, Iowa. At age 11, we lost the our farm and moved to Phoenix, Arizona. I remained in Arizona until age 18, at which time I met my husband, Ed, who was from California, but attending school in Arizona. We eventually moved out to California together, in 1992. We got pregnant and married in 1996, had a daughter and eventually two more. And this month we celebrated our 25th anniversary, I believe. Close to that anyway, lol, neither of us ever remembers our anniversary on the day. We always remember like two weeks later. It's funny, not one year have we remembered on time. It makes us laugh.
So, that is more than enough about me. I just don't want to feel like a total stranger to anyone who frequents this blog. And I think for now that's a good start. Tomorrow we will begin by discussing some apps that you can earn money with by simply installing them on your phone.
Thank you very much for giving my blog a chance and I welcome any comments, good or bad.
Till next time, do it movin.........

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

My Generic Introduction..............

My generic introduction................

Well, hello and welcome to my blog everyone!! My name is Candy and this is kinda my "as I go " project. I have so many things I want to discuss, I am not yet able to make any decisions, but what I can tell you is I am going to do my very best to bring you information that is useful and interesting.  So please, give me a chance and continue to visit.